To discuss the possibility of having your wedding ceremony at St John’s please contact us at the joint Parish Office tel: 0161 643 2693 or email
For help, ideas or information on weddings and relationships why not check out with information and links for all different aspects of marriage from getting engaged, planning the day, the role of the best man/bridesmaids to beyond and thinking about the special and tough times to come.
Christening is also known as a baptism.
At St John’s we extend a warm welcome to you, your family and friends as you bring your child for baptism and as we welcome them into the fellowship of faith.
Candidates for baptism are welcomed into the family of St John’s during our Sunday morning service. We will talk to you before the baptism about what happens in the service and the promises you and the godparents will make.
If you would like some more general information then please visit the Church of England Christenings Website
If you are thinking of baptism for yourself or a child please contact via email at
or Rev Alison Bailie (Rector) 0161 654 8120